Saturday, May 26, 2012

Cairo & Alexandria

St. Mina Monestary, Alexandria
Cairo Opera
Egypt...hmmm where should I start? Well, in the first twenty four hours, we attended a wedding of  distant,...distant relatives, we didn't know them and they didn't know us lol) at night. We also prayed a liturgy and had a spiritual day the very next day. I have to say it was an interesting experience for us, but apparently, the norm around here! We  visited a few churches in Cairo (Masr El Gadida) and attended a few sermons by the one and only Fr. Dawood Lamey. Our trips included a visit to The Egyptian Museum, The Opera, and a church trip to St. Mina Monestary. After a week of activities, including lots of food-"tasting" (for lack of a better word), we headed to Alexandria to visit the beautiful Mediterranean sea and a whole lot of family!
The Egyptian Museum

 We stayed at the Sheraton El-Montaza in Alexandria and saw some of the most beautiful sunsets we've ever experienced. I introduced Fady to my family for the first time. Some of them, I was introduced to, for the first time! It was amazing how close I felt to everyone. It was as if I grew up with everyone here. 
Sheraton, El Montaza Alexandria

One of the most memorable visits I made was to the church that I first attended and it was also where I had my first Sunday School experience. This church was the Church of St. George Ghobrial, Alexandria. Of course the church looked completely different. When I was there we had one huge hall where everyone, of all ages, attended Sunday School and we all sat on the floor. Now, the church has become a beautiful catherdral and I was so happy that I got to see it. I didn't recognize how it looked, but it felt the same as when I was a kid.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Xristos Anesti!! Alithos Anesti! It has been long since I've updated this blog. There are many reasons for this, but the most prominent one is lack of internet access. I never appreciated just walking up to my laptop or PC amd clicking a button to be connected...but now I know.

God taught us this and many other lessons through our time in Zambia. It has been an experience beyond words. An experience that has brought us closer to each other and closer to Him. It is truly an experience beyond words. If I have to discuss one thing that has touched us most, it would have to be the people of Zambia. Whether Egyptians or Zambians, every person had their own unique personality and God has given them a message/lesson to deliver to us...which they each did in their own way. They will all be missed dearly. But we know in our hearts that we will be back to Zambia one day. We have to. Because a people that have stolen our hearts in such a way, are impossible to part with forever. So for now, it is not a goodbye but a "see you later" and for that reason I can't dwell too much on our departure.

After our time in Zambia had come to an end, we headed to Cape town, South Africa for a week with a few of our dearest friends from Zambia and had a GREAT time. And now we are in Egypt for a month...and there is much more to come about both of our trips...stay tuned! :)